











采访/梁欣 编辑/李莲 后制/周天

Wall Street Journal: Military involvement behind Bo Xilai affair

The investigation of theBo Xilai affairs involve his
relationship with high level military officials.
Foreign medias reported leaked information from Chinese
Communist Party (CCP) officials saying
Bo Xilai intended to support military princeling generals,
hence causing high level CCP officials feel uneasy.
Scholars believe, Bo Xilai associated himself with princeling
generals with similar political viewpoints.
This violated the rules of the CCP,
hence making high level CCP officials feel threatened.

After Wang Lijun’s escape from the U.S. Embassy,
Bo Xilai continued to Yunan’s 14th military troop.
Last November, while Hu Jintao was visiting foreign countries,
Bo Xilai initiated a military rehearsal.
According to investigation, Bo Xilai and military princeling
general Ling JianYuan, Zhang Haiyang and others are close.

Visiting scholar and current affairs commentator Chen
PoKong said: “Bo Xilai is associated with the military,
which makes high level CCP officials feel extremely nervous;
they want to investigate Bo’s reason for doing this.
Also its not just Bo Xilai doing this.
Bo Xilai’s efforts ended with failure.
However if somebody else does it successfully, it would have
a destructive impact to the CCP’s high level structural system.

Former Chongqing Police department chief Wang Lijun
escaped to the U.S. Embassy on February 6th.
Bo Xilai mobilized the districts, using Police cars and
armored vehicles to arrest Wang Lijun.
While Wang Lijun accused Bo Xilai and his family of
corruption, treason, murder and many other crimes,
Bo Xilai visited the 14th military troop in Kunming
which his father Bo Yibo built.
Other medias analyzed that Bo Xilai was asking for trouble to
maintain a close relationship with military at this crucial time.

Current affairs commentator Heng He:
“He did break the rules.
After reaching a certain level, the local officials and high level
military officials should not interact with non-officials.
Going to Chongqing to have a military rehearsal, and to visit
the 14th military troop in Kunming, which does not even belong to his district.
It was not normal for him to go to the
14th military troop; it is against the rules.”

CCP official leaked information to Wall Street Journal saying

the main focus of investigation for Bo Xilai affairs should be
his relationship with the military and his actions of mobilizing the police force.
The two major generals managing interrogations are the head
of The General Logistics Department Liu Yuan,
and the political commissar of the Second Artillery Corps,
Zhang Haiyang.
Liu Yuan’s father is former president Liu Shaoqi.
Zhang Haiyang’s father is Zhangzheng.
They both belong to the princelings, and
have known each other since childhood.

Reportedly, Neil Heywood told one of his friends that Bo Xilai
often received military generals in his house.
Bo is much more militaristic than most people think.

Current Affairs commentator Heng He: “He has a deep
relationship with the military, and basically belongs with the princelings,
with other princelings who come from the same
background and who have similar political viewpoints.
They formed this union, so for high level CCP officials,
it is really quite a threat.”

When U.S. medias exposed news of the coup between Bo
Xilai and Zhou Yongkang it greatly impacted Chinese politics.
Foreign medias continued to report that the Politburo will
downsize from nine to seven.
Out of 12 central military commissioners,
seven high level generals will be substituted.

Visiting scholar and current affairs commentator Chen Pokong:
“Only completely revolutionizing the current political system,
or dissolving the current party in power
can actualize the goal of revolution.
This is the path which Russia and many newborn
democratic countries have taken.
I think China should also move towards this path.”

Many foreign medias report that
the CCP will announce how it will handle Bo Xilai in July.
