【禁闻】传北京惧香港直选 秘谋演变计划


海外中文媒体报导,在香港参加“七.一 ”安保任务的广东维稳办刘姓处长透露,这项计划包括:对香港的异议人士进行分化与控制,切断大陆维权人士与香港的联系,特别是不让香港的维权人士进行抗议示威、造成大的影响。


“中国社会民主党中央委员会”主持人刘因全:“ 它(中共)担心,如果对香港失控,香港会成为推动中国改革的一个窗口。大量的中国人、大陆人到香港去,受香港的影响,回去以后会推动中国的民主化。”


对此,香港《开放》杂志总编辑金钟表示,自从1997年香港实行所谓“ 一国两制”之后,中共对香港媒体使用了很多方法来进行控制。









采访/刘惠 编辑/李谦 后制/朱娣

Beijing’s Plot Against Hong Kong’s Direct Election Exposed

The 1st of July is the 15th anniversary of Hong Kong’s
returning to Chinese rule from British rule.
A large number of Hong Kong‘s citizens took to the streets,

protesting the Chinese Communist Party’s suppression
of local democracy and freedom.
Overseas media have exposed a plot made three years ago
by the Central Political and Legislative Affairs Committee (PLAC) and the propaganda department.
The scheme aims to control Hong Kong more effectively
by reinforcing disintegration, crackdown and propaganda.
The plan was said to have failed to get passed by the Politburo,
but was still carried out by the Central PLAC and Stability Preservation Office.

Mr. Liu, director of Stability Preservation Office Guangdong
branch, revealed details of the scheme to overseas media.
Liu took part in security preparations in Hong Kong on July 1st.
The plot was reported to have covered differentiating
between and controlling of Hong kong dissidents,
cutting off the mainland activists’ connections with
Hong Kong;
Especially, preventing the Hong Kong human rights activists’
protests and reducing the impact.

Chair of the Social Democratic Party of China, Liu Yinquan,
comments on the issue.
The CCP has long been trying to strengthen its one-party
rule, to avoid infiltration by other influences, says Liu.

Liu Yinquan: “It (the CCP) is afraid of losing control of
Hong Kong. If out of control, Hong Kong would become a window to advance China’s reform.
Influential mainland Chinese would then go to Hong Kong,
being influenced themselves while staying there.
They would play active roles for China’s democratization
when going back to the mainland."

The Central PLAC’s plot also includes supporting
Hong Kong’s pro-CCP media outlets;
slapping down the media that sides with the mainland rights
defense and banning their interviews on the mainland.

Jin Zhong, chief editor of Hong Kong’s Open magazine, notes
that since the “one country, two systems" model started in 1997,
the CCP has curbed Hong Kong’s media through various ways.

Jin Zhong: “That’s why there are fewer independent and
brave media voices compared to the past.
It’s not entirely disappeared yet,
but has suffered from such influences.”

RFA comments that the fact of “one country" overriding
the “two systems" has provoked issues
like Hong Kong media’s self-censorship and human rights.
That has made Hong Kong citizens feel increasingly fearful.
A survey of Mainland Affairs Council (Taiwan) shows that
mainland institutions stationed in Hong Kong were reported
to be getting more involved in local elections than in
previous years.
Hong Kong media shows more leaning to self-censorship
and reluctance in criticizing Beijing authorities.

On June 30, a journalist of the Apple Daily questioned
the CCP President Hu Jintao who was visiting Kowloon.
“Have you heard that Hong Kong people hope for a redress of
the June 4 incident?”
The journalist was forcibly removed by plainclothes police
for “loudly disrupting order.”
The event sparked condemnation from all sectors of society
at Hong Kong’s police headquarters.

Yin-Ting Mak, president of the Hong Kong Journalists
Association, accused police of trampling on press freedom.
She demanded a stop be put to mainland interference
in Hong Kong.

Yin-Ting Mak: “Hu Jintao was at a distance from journalists,
and wouldn’t be heard if the question was not shouted out.
Other journalists also shouted out the questions to him,

but only the one asking about redress of the June 4 incident
was detained for 15 minutes. The police conducted censorship.”

Reportedly, Guangdong Stability Preservation Office director,
Mr. Liu, also revealed that under great pressure,
the Beijing regime worries about the upcoming direct election
of the next-term Chief Executive and Legislative Council.
How to instill the CCP’s “patriotic" education and how to
win over the Hong Kong people have become its main task in the last five years.

Yin-Ting Mak: “The University of Hong Kong’s recent poll
shows the CCP) failed in getting the population’s support.
Especially Hong Kong’s young people, whose sense of
approval of the CCP is getting lower and lower,
it has now reached it’s lowest level
since Hong Kong’s return to CCP government.”

Yin – Ting Mak stresses that the people of Hong Kong are
Showing increasing concern over human rights, freedom and the rule of law.
She warns that if the CCP still refuses to comply with public
aspiration by improving on these issues.
It will never be recognized by the people of Hong Kong.
