















采访/常春 编辑/陈洁 后制/陈建铭

Target of Crack Down on Prostitutes in Dongguan, Zhou Yongkang

The state media CCTV’s recent numerous reports on the
prostitutes in Dongguan, Guangdong Province have triggered
a strong reaction from the public.

In contrast to the previous campaign on stamping down
prostitution, this time it targeted five-star hotels,
especially the Prince Hotel and was directed at
the “umbrella" behind the service.
Analysts believe the crack down on prostitutes in Dongguan
is intended to defeat factions of Zhou Yongkang.

CCTV.com reported on Feb. 9 that prostitute services exist
in public entertainment places in five towns of Dongguan,
including some of the popular four-star and five-star hotels
such as the Prince Hotel, which conducts a “nude dancing
talent show" in its sauna center.

The report said that the police never showed up after the
reporter’s repetitive calls to the police.
However, the manager in charge of the service revealed that
what they are afraid of is media exposure,
not law enforcement.

After the news report, Dongwan police seized 12 entertainment
centers and arrested 60 suspects.
However, the police operation was not appreciated
by the public.
Some netizens stated on the Internet, “Dongguan, hold on"
“Defend Dongguan!" and “Soul traitor exposes the body seller."

A CCTV article criticized on the 10th that, without permission
of higher authorities, it is impossible for Dongwan’s police
to ignore the prostitutions.

The CCP Ministry of Public Security is reportedly to hold
local police accountable and a steering group was sent to
Guangdong to ensure combating the operators and
umbrella behind the chains would proceed.
Vice Governor of Guangdong Province, Li Chunsheng declared
a three-month campaign against prostitution and protection
behind the scene.

Guangdong Provincial Party Secretary Hu Chunhua also
ordered to stamp down prostitution like the campaign
against drugs last year.

Commentator Yang Weifeng says that crack-downs on prostitution
have taken place in Dongguan every year, but only in
the hair salon, sauna center.
The hotels where the CCP officials frequently visit
have always been safe.

Yang Weifeng, commentator: “It is very unusual this year.
Five towns in Dongwan, including Houjie, Humen, Huangjiang,
Fenglan, and Zhongtang were all exposed, and only the luxury
hotels were targeted.
This is not about targeting the prostitutes or the customers,
but protecting the umbrella behind the service.
Most obvious is the five-star Prince Hotel in Dongguan."

Chairman of the Prince Hotel in Huangjian Town, Liang Yaohui,
is also serving as chairman of the Zhongyuan Petroleum Group.
He has involved in business with Sinopec, PetroChina, and
China National Offshore Oil Corp.
He is also the only National People’s Congress in Dongguan and
has served two consecutive terms in 2008 and 2013.

Yang Weifeng reveals that Liang Yaohui has a close
relationship to the army.
The first artillery division of the 42nd group army, Guangzhou
military region is located in the Huangjian Town.
Liang has officially visited the division many times.

Yang Weifeng: “I think it is to stamp down on the umbrella
behind the system.
During the meeting with the politics and law committee in
January, Xi has said to discipline the department and
remove the black sheep.
It now looks like Xi is systematically cracking down on
Zhou Yongkang’s faction."

Commentator Chen Simin wrote in the article titled, “Xi
defeats Jiang faction through Zhou Yongkang’s alliance
in Dongwan," that the Prince Hotel and Liang Yaohui gained
popularity from as early as in 1996 when
Zhang Gaoli ruled Guangdong.

For more than 20 years of profiting through prostitution,
gambling and smuggling drugs, the chain has
become deep and long.

Zhou Yongkang was the umbrella covering them from the CCP
central through the politics and law system.
Local police and officials are the main causes of prostitution,
gambling and drug smuggling.

CCP mouthpiece Xinhua.net initiated a column campaigning
to clear the black sheep in the politics and law system
on the 11th February.

Central Politics and Law Commission also issued for the first
time 10 cases of officers violating disciplines.

Lan Su, commentator: The resentment from the grassroots
organization is the largest.
This campaign is preparing to publicize Zhou Yongkang’s case.
Under the instruction of Hu Chunhua from the Youth League
faction, this campaign is hopeful to expand to the entire
nation from Guangdong.
The corruption is widespread in the country to the grassroots
of politics and the judicial system.
It is a collaborated preparation to publicly deal with
Zhou Yongkang’s case.

Attorney Wang Youyin stated in Weibo, that the campaign
to wipe out prostitution in Dongguan is in fact to hit the
protective umbrella, the political and judicial system.

A campaign against prostitution targeting the entire political
and judicial system in the nation is about to begin!
Dongguan’s anti-prostitution will become the landmark to
reorganize the politics and judicial system in China!

Interview/ChangChun Edit/ChenJie Post-Production/ChenJianming
