

我深深的感到前所未有的震撼!除了忏悔就是忏悔! ! !


The number of people quitting the Chinese Communist Party
(CCP) and its affiliated organizations on Oct. 30 was 109,307.

The number is still increasing.

Here are two statements from Quitting the CCP on Oct. 29.

In 2000, Falun Gong practitioner Wang Bin from Heilongjiang
Province was beaten to death by police at Dongfeng New
Village Labor Camp. Two doctors removed his heart and brain
without consent from his family.

Wang Bin’s case was reported by Falun Dafa’s Minghui site.

It was never reported in China but Wang Bin was

One of his old friends finally saw the report 14 years later.

He was shocked and declared his withdrawal from the
CCP and its affiliated organizations.

Zhang Hongyu from Daqing City, Heilingjiang Province:
“The collapse of the communist regime in dozens of
countries worldwide trigged my curiosity.

After I broke through CCP’s internet blockage,
I read lots of real stories and the truth.

I loathe everything about the Communist regime,
and finally came to know democracy and freedom.

I was shocked by Wang Bin’s death and his organs stolen.
The last time I saw him, he smiled at me conjoining his hands.

Who would know this was the last goodbye! I recognized
Wang Bin right away looking at the pictures.

I once believed the CCP propaganda, not knowing the truth.
I am in deep remorse after realizing how superficial I was.

Without you practitioners risking lives to defend your faith,
they would not be any human rights in China’s prisons.

I am deeply and unprecedentedly shocked.
There is only repent!”

Sen Lin from China said:” I don’t like the Communist Party.

I saw a fax from overseas about the investigation on the
CCP organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners.

I was shocked. I learned more about it via online chat.
I want to know more about Falun Gong.

But as far as I know, I am very disgusted by the CCP.

I solemnly declare to quit the Communist Young Pioneers
and all organizations related to the CCP.
