

这名叫伟登.兰博(Wendel Lamb)的街道清洁工,有一天还像往常一样,开着清扫车清洁路面。看见前面路上一名小女孩在地上涂鸦。当他的车开过来时,女孩起身跑到了爸爸身边,眼巴巴的看着这位清洁工叔叔,又看了看她正创作一半的粉笔画。


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Check out what happened recently when City employee Wendel L., operating the street sweeper, came across a chalk art masterpiece. The artist’s mom, Kristen Pronick, says, “The timing was uncanny as my husband was just taking pictures of my daughter’s art when the street sweeper came around the corner. Please pass on my thanks to the driver, he made her day and she still talks about it." Thanks for sharing this video with us Kristen!

Posted by City of Courtenay on 2015年7月14日


