【禁闻】断肉三周 女排四连败 猪被顶罪

【新唐人2012年7月4日讯】2012 年“世界女子排球大奖赛”总决赛,中国队以一胜四负成绩排倒数第二位。主教练俞觉敏赛后宣称,这次输球是输给了“瘦肉精”,因为保球员的饮食安全,女排三周没吃肉,导致体能体质下降。这一番谈话引起各界哗然。有评论指出:女排输球怪罪到猪身上。请看下面的报导












采访编辑/常春 后制/柏妮

China Volleyball Team Blames Pork for Four Defeats

In the 2012 Women’s Volleyball World Grand Prix Finals,
China had 1win – 4 losses and is in the second to last position.
Coach Yu Juemin said that they lost because the athletes ate a
vegetarian diet for 3 weeks to avoid clenbuterol-tainted meat,
and this caused the athletes’ strength and fitness to decline,
according to a media interview.
These words shocked the public, and analysts remarked that
the volleyball team blamed their loss on pork.

The 2012 Women’s Volleyball World Grand Prix took place
from June 8 to July 1—before the London Olympic Games—
in Macao, Gangdong, Henan and Ningbo provinces in China,
with 16 countries taking part.

July 1— Sources say 6 countries entered the finals in Ningbo,
where China was defeated, giving them a 1 win-4 loss record
which put China in the 2nd to last position in front of Cuba,
under the top 4 players—US, Brazil, Turkey and Thailand.

The Beijing News reported that, coach Yu Juemin claimed
the athletes didn’t play well due to a 3-week vegetarian diet.
Yu said the athletes had abstained from meat for safety,
to avoid clenbuterol-tained meat;
so their strength and fitness declined,
with some athletes suffering from cramp.

Yu’s “meat free” comments caused an outcry among netizens,
especially in the Sina and Tencent microblogs.

Is it true that the Chinese women’s volleyball team suffered
4 defeats due to a 3-week meat-free diet?

Ju Bin, former basket coach of China University:
“Don’t you think it’s funny you can’t live without eating pork?
—I think the two issues are unrelated.
From another angle, some athletes had never eaten pork;
how do you explain this?—Right?
Many athletes don’t eat pork, but they are still outstanding,
so how can you say that without pork you can’t continue
training or can’t reach the best competition state?
—It’s impossible to relate the two issues in such a way.”

Volleyball fans thought that coach Yu’s “meat free diet”
comments were funny.
Some say, “the Shaolin monks have never eaten meat, so how
do they have strength; where does their energy come from?”
Some netizens say that Yu is giving excuses to save face,
and that the team can’t reach the target due to lack of ability.

Ju Bin: “I clearly understand China’s athletics—there are a lot
of related background issues but you can only see the surface.
It actually involves the question of replacing the coach or not,
since if your team doesn’t win and you take responsibility,
should you be removed?—I know, in China it works like that.

Someone supports you and another is against you;
if your team loses, you will immediately be replaced.”

Ju Bin also says that from another angle, seeing this incident
shows, clenbuterol-tainted meat has scared people in China.

Reports say that before the Beijing Olympics, athletes,
Ouyang Kunpeng and US swimmer Jessica Hardy
tested positive for a banned drug due to tainted supplements
and had to abandon the competition.
Olympic Judo champion, Tong Wen, tested positive for
Clenbuterol andwas banned for two years internationally.
Olympics weightlifting champion, Liao Hui, tested positive
possibly due to tainted supplements, and was also banned.

China Olympics’female rower, Huang Wenyi, posted in her
microblog: On January 21, the Sports Ministry issued a notice
saying athletes are not allowed to eat pork, lamb and beef,
yet in the past they had Beijing’s “safe meat” delivered by air.
Huang Wenyi writes: Now those meats also test positive
for Clenbuterol—is society safe anymore?
