葱爆牛肉 嫩滑好吃(视频)


二人份量 2 person servings
食材份量 Ingredients
250克牛肉 200g rump steak

调味料: Beef marinade:
生抽两茶匙 2 tsp soy sauce
糖半茶匙 1/2 tsp sugar
1/6茶匙胡椒粉 1/6 tsp ground pepper
一茶匙生粉加2汤匙水 1 tsp potato starch mix with 2 TBS water
一汤匙生油 1 TBS oil

配料: Garnish:
一只红椒 1 red chilli
四棵葱 4 small bunches of spring onions
四片姜 4 ginger slices
四粒蒜头 4 garlic cloves
半只洋葱(约100克) 1/2 onion (approx 100g)

打芡调味料: Stir fry sauce:
一汤匙蚝油 1 TBS oyster sauce
一茶匙糖 1 tsp sugar
半茶匙麻油 1/2 tsp sesame oil
一茶匙生粉加2汤匙水 1 tsp potato starch mix with 2 TBS water
一汤匙绍兴酒 1 TBS Shao Xing wine
一茶匙老抽 1 tsp dark soy sauce


